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The proposed framework produced facts of matlab programming courting between matlab programming five extracted elements and IOP, which has not been formerly investigated through computerized image processing and desktop studying thoughts on frontal eye images. This research was built on top of our initial data found in to assist clinicians and sufferers for early screening of IOP risk. The scaled neural network computations and type outcomes provided from our framework correlate with IOP levels and matlab programming ground truth of eye images with an accuracy of 96%. As matlab future direction, more evaluation will be provided to optimize matlab programming framework in terms of robustness and effectivity and verify making use of this work to mobile contraptions such as smartphones to make this work available and easily accessible to everybody. The framework can thus be used to match matlab programming sufferers IOP status normal or high through the years. The images and outcomes can be additional registered as matlab profile for each affected person to identify if risky elevations of IOP have happened. Buluu ile ilgili aklamalarda bulunan Reiner Eschbach, Gelitirdiimiz teknolojide insanlar aknla uratan en nemli eyin floresan mrekkep kullanmadan, dijital bir yazcnn floresan yaz basmasn gerekletirmek oldu. Bunun anlam drt renkli dijital yazclarla, dokmanlarn kiiye ve kuruma zel floresan tanmlamalarla e zamanl baslabilecek olmasdr dedi. Xeroxun bu buluu, zellikle irket rapor ve belgelerinin, finans kurulular, kamu kurumlar, okullar ve niversiteler tarafndan verilen deerli kat ve belgelerin sahtelerinin baslmasn daha da zorlatrmas asndan nem tayor. Xeroxun gelitirmi olduu floresan bask teknolojisi, ncelikle kurumsal kullanma ynelik yksek kapasiteli renkli dijital bask sistemleri zerinde alacak. Sz konusu teknoloji renkli Xerox bask cihazlarnda da kullanlabilecek. Xerox, Uzak Dou yaplanmas Fuji Xeroxla beraber her yl ortalama 1.